Enter the E
Current Endgame: 1e6020 incrementy and all upgrades bought

You have {{format(player.incrementy)}} incrementy.
You are gaining {{format(gain())}} incrementy per second.
Incrementy gain is (softcapped) past 1e100 incrementy

Hotkeys: 1-4 for each buyable{{player.manifoldAmt.gte(1) || player.galaxyAmt.gte(1) || player.totalSing.gte(1) ? ', B to buy max, M to buy manifold' : ''}}{{player.galaxyAmt.gte(1) || player.totalSing.gte(1) ? ', G to buy Incrementy Galaxy' : ''}}{{player.totalSing.gte(1) ? ', O to overflow' : ''}}
You are currently playing Version B2
Game made by randomtuba, FactorXXX (otherwise known as 3^3=7), and gapples2
(credits to FactorXXX for coding some of the mechanics, and thanks to gapples2 for offline progress and code refactoring)

You have produced {{format(player.total)}} incrementy in total.
You have played this game for {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}}.
You have {{format(player.buyables[1].add(player.buyables[2]).add(player.buyables[3]).add(player.buyables[4]))}} buyables (not including free levels).

You have spent {{formatTime(player.overflowTimes[0])}} in this Overflow.
Your fastest Overflow was in {{formatTime(player.overflowTimes[1])}}.
You have Overflowed {{format(player.overflows)}} times.
You have {{format(player.incrementy)}} incrementy
Cost: {{format(UPGRADE[b*5-5+a].cost())}} incrementy
{{UPGRADE[b*5-5+a].effectDisplay != null ? 'Currently: ' + UPGRADE[b*5-5+a].effectDisplay() : ''}}

Hover over an achievement to view its description!

You have {{player.singularities}} singularities. (total: {{player.totalSing}}) Your singularities are generating {{format(blackholegain())}} black hole mass per second.
You have {{format(player.blackhole)}} black hole mass, multiplying incrementy gain by {{format(blackholeeff())}}

Automatic Overflow: Reset at singularities

Cost: {{format(OVERFLOW_UPGRADE[a*4-4+b].cost())}} Singularities
{{OVERFLOW_UPGRADE[a*4-4+b].eff != null ? 'Currently: ' + OVERFLOW_UPGRADE[a*4-4+b].effectDisplay() : ''}}

You have {{format(player.knowledge)}} knowledge capsules. ({{format(knowledgegain())}}/sec)